Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ph.D. Candidate

I successfully defend my dissertation proposal today. :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A dry run

I had a dry run of my dissertation proposal in front of my lab members: Kevin, Erin, Mahima, Jimmy, and Young Sang. Some joined partially, but most of them stayed for almost three hours with me. They all gave me constructive feedback even though some parts of my presentation were certainly boring and confusing. They were patient and didn't give me harsh comments. Anyway, I passed another step. Still, I have many changes to make on my presentation. I will send the updated version to my advisor sometime soon. The big time will be the next Thursday. I will spend almost the whole day to defend my proposal. Anyway, as I said, I passed another step today. I rewarded myself by allowing me to play basketball at 5pm today.

I just realized that I haven't allocate enough time to look back my life / direction. I certainly have one of happiest moments in my life, thanks to Stacy. However, I am too busy in crossing out items on my daily to-do list, and these activities do not involve with any deep thinking or contemplation at all. This is well reflected on this blog. I haven't posted any serious writing recently. No thought, no writing.

Well, from now on, I will have more writing here.

Monday, September 11, 2006


사람들은 책임감이라는 말을
스스로가 행동한 결과에 대한 처벌을
기꺼이 받아들이는 것이라 여기기도 합니다.

하지만 책임감의 진정한 의미는
자기 자신이 창조자라는 사실을
인정하고 받아들이는 것입니다.

나 자신이 상황을 창조할 수도 있으며
그로 인한 어떠한 경험도 할 수 있다는 사실을
이해하고 수용하는 것을 말합니다.

“이것은 내가 만들어 나가는 내 인생이야.”
이렇게 스스로에게 당당히 외쳐 보세요.

그 때 책임감은 수동성에서 벗어나
삶을 발전시키는 힘으로 다가오게 됩니다.

- 일지 이승헌 著 < 내 삶의 주인이 되는 기술 'HT' > 中에서-