I found several presentation files which discuss Dust & Magnet in an InfoVis class, which is cool, huh?
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Our lives are filled with seemingly small, but amazing stories. I am constantly trying to open my eyes and ears to discover them and am recording these findings with my personal stories on this blog.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007

생각보다 제 블로그에 들르셨던 분들이 많다는 걸 어제 알았습니다. 그 동안 신경 못쓰고 있었는데 (절대 연애만 했던 건 아니구요), 좀 신경 써서 제 생각을 나눌 수 있도록 해야 겠네요.
요즘 제가 겁을 내고 있더군요. 졸업도 나가오고, 여기저기서 거절도 당해보니, 겁이 나더라구요. 하지만, 옛 블로그 글을 정리하다 보니, 아래와 같은 말을 발견했어요.
"인생은 언제나 최초의 순간들로 가득 차 있다. 그냥 손을 뻗어 그것을 붙들면 된다." - 미셸 윌리엄스의 인터뷰 에서
제 능력을 과대평가할 필요도 없지만, 주어진 기회를 또 겁먹고 거절할 필요도 없죠. 나쁜 짓만 아니라면 한 번 해보는 거죠.
파란하늘의 스마일처럼. 여러분의 인생에도 즐거운 일이 가득하시길.

첫 작품

애틀란타에 도자기 공예 하는 곳이 있어서, 여자친구와 들렀습니다. 첫 작품인데요. 물론, 여자친구가 구상, 도안, 채색 등을 맡고, 저는 둘레의 녹색 띠를 두르는 작업을 했습니다. 첫 작품치고는 만족스러워 하고 있습니다.
관심 있으시면 들러보시죠.

Thursday, April 05, 2007
Health Care... revolution will start.
Yesterday and today, I have been in a quite different mode. While I took a management class on Wednesday, one idea struck me, "why we haven't seen many case studies of the health care industry in this class even though it is one of biggest industries in the US?" Then, I approached to the professor after the class, asked him the same question. The answer was not that clear, but he pointed me one article recently published by the famous Michael Porter, "redefining health care" (http://www.hbs.edu/rhc/). (Actually, you might want to check out an article from Harvard Business Review before you checked out the book).
Anyway, it points out many problems of health care industry. However, the main point is that the whole system is dysfunctional. Competition has not occurred in the right level, information does not flow properly, and the game becomes zero-sum game. Players (insurers, health service providers, employers, and patients(employees)) are fighting to divide the values, not to create values.
Suddenly, Bill George visited Georgia Tech on Wednesday for the IMPACT speaker series and to advertise his new book, "True North." He also visisted Health Systems Institute and met HSI students. He also brought up the issues of the health care system in the US. He emphasized that solving it requires "the holistic/systematic approach."
However, as an single individual, who does not have that much resources, network, and skills, it's a bit difficult to solve the problem in a holistic way. I need a very focused approach to solve the problem.
I collected some web sites which might share the vision I have. Interestingly, there are many more people seem to have similar visions. Many people made some companies to solve the problem.
[Yahoo Health]
Well, I need to think more about it in details.
Anyway, it points out many problems of health care industry. However, the main point is that the whole system is dysfunctional. Competition has not occurred in the right level, information does not flow properly, and the game becomes zero-sum game. Players (insurers, health service providers, employers, and patients(employees)) are fighting to divide the values, not to create values.
Suddenly, Bill George visited Georgia Tech on Wednesday for the IMPACT speaker series and to advertise his new book, "True North." He also visisted Health Systems Institute and met HSI students. He also brought up the issues of the health care system in the US. He emphasized that solving it requires "the holistic/systematic approach."
However, as an single individual, who does not have that much resources, network, and skills, it's a bit difficult to solve the problem in a holistic way. I need a very focused approach to solve the problem.
I collected some web sites which might share the vision I have. Interestingly, there are many more people seem to have similar visions. Many people made some companies to solve the problem.
[Yahoo Health]
Well, I need to think more about it in details.
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